Matt's Movie Trax

Movie music for people who love movies

Welcome to Matt's Movie Trax, an Internet radio station dedicated to playing movie music.

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New Music for February 7, 2025:

“Cliff Notes” by Dominic Lewis

“Homecoming” by Dominic Lewis

“Escape” by Mathieu Lamboley

“The Experiment” by Mathieu Lamboley

New Music for January 31, 2025:

“Arresting Petey” by Tom Howe

“The Final Showdown” by Tom Howe

“A Plan Comes Together” by Jordan Gagne

“In Media Res” by Jordan Gagne

“Kinda Like This” by Takeshi Furukawa

“Let Me Start at the Beginning” by Takeshi Furukawa

New Music for January 24, 2025:

“Approach” by Antonio Pinto

“Sorry” by Antonio Pinto

“Tied Up” by Hrishikesh Hirway

“I Believe the Name Was Hendrix” by Hrishikesh Hirway

“Only Love” by Steven Price

“He is One Man” by Steven Price

“Presence Theme” by Zack Ryan

New Music for January 17, 2025:

“Kh’ynm’s Observatory” by Mick Giacchino

“The Pirate Den” by Mick Giacchino

“Saving the Onyx Cinder” by Mich Giacchino

“Vista” by Benjamin Wallfisch

“Transformation” by Benjamin Wallfisch

“High School Match” by Alexandre Desplat

“The Weigh In” by Alexandre Desplat

“Gunshots” by Lorenz Dangel

“Helicopters” by Lorenz Dangel

New Music for January 10, 2025:

“Unknown Danger” by The Newton Brothers

“Isn’t Me” by The Newton Brothers

“The Fort” by Explosions in the Sky

“This Land” by Explosions in the Sky

“I Want Help” by Atli Orvarsson

“Barrie Ambush” by Atli Orvarsson

New Music for January 3, 2025:

“Opening’ by Tamar-kali

“Building up to Olympic Final/Final Round” by Tamar-kali

“Opening” by Volker Bertelmann

“Stay Under Water” by Volker Bertelmann

“Ancestor Attacks” by Blanck Mass

“Ice Testing” by Blanck Mass

New Music for December 27, 2024:

“I Can’t Let You Live” by Tom Holkenborg

“Last Story” by Tom Holkenborg

“Destiny Reigns” by Dave Metzger

“The Earth will Shake” by Dave Metzger

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